Ticketmaster Discount Coupon Code for Smucker's Stars on Ice tickets.
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Smucker's Stars on Ice is proud to welcome Olympic Silver Medalist SASHA COHEN to its 2008 Tour!
Sasha's exquisite talents complement an amazing cast of Olympic and World Champions in the show founded and produced by skating icon SCOTT HAMILTON.
If you have enjoyed skating on TV but have never seen it live, here is your chance to experience the true excitement of Olympic and World class skating in America's most prestigious figure skating production, Smucker's Stars on Ice - LIVE and In Color!
It's the only way to see America's favorite skaters!
Buy your tickets now and save 50% on tickets. (Discount applies on select prioe levels). is proud to welcome Olympic Silver Medalist SASHA COHEN to its 2008 Tour!
Sasha's exquisite talents complement an amazing cast of Olympic and World Champions in the show founded and produced by skating icon SCOTT HAMILTON.
If you have enjoyed skating on TV but have never seen it live, here is your chance to experience the true excitement of Olympic and World class skating in America's most prestigious figure skating production, Smucker's Stars on Ice - LIVE and In Color!
It's the only way to see America's favorite skaters!
Buy your tickets now and save 50% on tickets. (Discount applies on select prioe levels).
Use the discount code at Ticketmaster in the box labeled Ticket Deals Partner Offer or Special Offer Code.
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